These 60 tracks-selected from the most-sung songs in today's church-will have kids singing along 'til they can sing no more. With vocals by real kids, the melodies and lyrics come across loud and clear, supported by groove-filled rhythms and hot guitars.
Modern songs include: "How Great Is Our God, God Of Wonders, Everlasting God, Here I Am To Worship, Open The Eyes Of My Heart, Blessed Be Your Name, Come Now Is The Time To Worship, Shout To The Lord, Lord I Lift Your Name On High, Forever, Breathe, Holy Is The Lord, Your Grace Is Enough." Classic songs include: "Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, I Have Decided To Follow Jesus, This Is My Father's World, On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand, Great Is Thy Faithfulness, What A Friend We Have In Jesus.