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Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “Many men die at 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75.” This book is intended to wake up these people. Fully Alive uncovers forgotten signs of life in a culture seemingly filled with the opposite. Through action steps that led to his physical, mental, social and spiritual health, Ken Davis recounts his journey back to the land of the living and the signs of life he found along the way. The anchoring focus is based on the apostle Pauls quest for life, when he said, “I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection.” A power greater than death is available for what we face today? Who doesn’t want a piece of that? Filled with narrative stories, humour and practical help, this book is for anyone who wants to live fully and wonders just what that might look like in daily life. Many people are lurching in the twilight, hoping to sing once again…living lives of quiet desperation, searching in vain for signs of life. St. Irenaeus said, “The Glory of God is man fully alive.” For those who have been sidelined in life, for those tempted to give up, this book screams… Live!