The exciting and personal account of one of only twelve men to ever touch the surface of the moon! When astronaut James Irwin gazed at the 'blue planet,'his home, from the moon in 1971, he realized that the experience was drawing him closer to the God of his youth. After the flight, Irwin realized 'the power of God was working in me and I was possessed by a growing feeling that God did have a new mission for me.'This adventurer, who also climbed Turkey's Mt. Ararat, to look for the remains of Noah's ark, was a wonderful ambassador not only for his country, but for the 'captain of his own ship,'the Lord Jesus Christ. Irwin, wherever he went, used his experiences to draw in his audiences until that moment he was able to share his faith. This dramatic story, set against the backdrop of the vastness of space, highlights the spiritual resources Irwin drew from. His treks through the halls of power, through NASA, and to the adventures that seemed to find him stand as a signpost for all of us.