What should we do or not do? What attitudes, behaviour and qualities are good? Can we be good without God? What is the highest good, the purpose of human existence? These are the questions the study of ethics seeks to answer.
Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is a biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous persons, but as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God's creation.
Key preliminary considerations of love, law, sin and virtue are given their due in this thoroughly revised and updated text. The bulk of the work is then organized around the Ten Commandments and ethical themes springing from them--loving God (commandments 1-4) and loving others (commandments 6-10).
This new edition includes added material on
- ethical alternatives such as relativism, social contract, utilitarianism and evolutionary ethics
- restoring the divine image through Christ and the recovery of our vocation as priest-kings
- the seven deadly sins as well as the cardinal virtues vs. theological virtues
- a new personal narrative from McQuilkin about his marriage, especially after his wife became disabled
- end-of-life ethics, stem-cell research, genetics and technology, and other bio-ethical issues such as plastic surgery and surrogate motherhood
- technology and its depersonalizing effects as well as helping the poor
- animal rights and sexual ethics
- the church's engagement in society to change societal structures and how Christians can make a difference in the media.
Throughout McQuilkin and Copan stay focused on how we fulfil the purposes of God for our lives--a will that is for our good and our well-being. This comprehensive study is the place to begin on the journey of living wisely, faithfully and obediently.
Unlike many approaches to ethics, this book foundationally turns to Scripture, going only as far as Scripture itself goes. The result is a biblical ethics that not only addresses the life of love and wisdom to be lived out by Christians as virtuous persons, but as Christians in community, in society and in a world of God's creation.
Key preliminary considerations of love, law, sin and virtue are given their due in this thoroughly revised and updated text. The bulk of the work is then organized around the Ten Commandments and ethical themes springing from them--loving God (commandments 1-4) and loving others (commandments 6-10).
This new edition includes added material on
- ethical alternatives such as relativism, social contract, utilitarianism and evolutionary ethics
- restoring the divine image through Christ and the recovery of our vocation as priest-kings
- the seven deadly sins as well as the cardinal virtues vs. theological virtues
- a new personal narrative from McQuilkin about his marriage, especially after his wife became disabled
- end-of-life ethics, stem-cell research, genetics and technology, and other bio-ethical issues such as plastic surgery and surrogate motherhood
- technology and its depersonalizing effects as well as helping the poor
- animal rights and sexual ethics
- the church's engagement in society to change societal structures and how Christians can make a difference in the media.
Throughout McQuilkin and Copan stay focused on how we fulfil the purposes of God for our lives--a will that is for our good and our well-being. This comprehensive study is the place to begin on the journey of living wisely, faithfully and obediently.